Pop-up Ideas – Cubes and Boxes offer many solutions
Have you got some great ideas but you cannot find the right marketing product for it? Our extremely varied range of pop-up products will no doubt offer a solution. Take for example the Pop-Up Cubes and Pop-Up Boxes. These pop-up products are extremely versatile because their design leaves room for almost any campaign imaginable. The Cube and Box both have six sides which is ample room to print your pop-up ideas with your marketing message. The pop-up cube is a perfect pop-up product to portray circular products, for example a football.
Unusual Shapes add to attraction of Pop up Products
When you are looking for some pop-up ideas that do not necessarily have to display your product but rather a message, you might hit the nail on the head with the Pop-Up Gems. These pop-up products attract attention through their unusual and unique shapes, making them ideal when you need to transmit relatively short messages. If you want your customer to fully take in your message, the Pop-Up Gems can do the hard work for you. The pop-up action, the shape, and the bright colors will certainly retain your customer’s attention long enough to convey its message.
Different direction in Pop up Ideas
Of course you can also choose to take a different direction with the Sideshooter. Although the Sideshooter is not 3D like most of our pop-up products, it is still classed as a pop-up product because of its two sleeves that shoot out on either side as soon as the Sideshooter is opened. This way, three separate sections are created, and this leaves room for all your pop-up ideas. You can depict your product in the middle, and describe what it does on both sleeves. You can also use a slogan on both sides and put the main information in the middle. This pop-up product is also available in a smaller version; the mini Sideshooter. Your campaign will look powerful and decisive with these powerful pop-up products.
Pop-up Products with surprising versatility – Balls and Houses
For pop-up products that need to represent your product, we have a range of specific shapes that will no doubt suit your pop-up ideas. For products that have to signify something spherical, the Pop-Up Ball is perfect. These brilliant and exclusive pop-up products can be used to represent soccer balls, globes or fruit. With the addition of handles you can easily create a lantern and because of its twelve sides, it lends itself perfectly to contain a promotional calendar. Besides the Pop-Up Balls, we also produce Pop-Up Houses. You can use these pop-up products to not only represent regular houses, but also greenhouses, industrial buildings and log cabins.
Power Packed Pop-up Ideas bring surprise and fun
Then there are the pop-up products that do not only jump themselves, they make your customers jump as well. The Springbox and the Two Pop Box have a compact print area and are applicable to many campaigns. If your campaign does not need an elaborate introduction but rather you would like to excite curiosity by just displaying your product and a web address, these pop-up products are excellent. However, if you want to accompany your products with more written information, the Jumpinjax will provide a solution. These power packed pop-up ideas are exceedingly applicable to depict things that jump: fleas, frogs, kangaroo and fireworks.
Functionality is the key to these Pop-up Products
We also provide a range of functional pop-up products that are designed to be sat on a desk. The functionality of these pop-up products adds to the longevity of your marketing campaign. After all, a marketing tool that will help your customer will be considered more valuable than one that is not useful. Our Power Pen Holder is a good example of such a functional pop-up product because it helps to keep your customer’s desk tidy. Also very popular is the money box. These pop-up products can be used to ‘fine’ colleagues for things like swearing or not making coffee. Because these pop-up products have the form of a regular pop-up box, they can easily depict whatever product you want to launch or message you want to convey.