Life is like a box of chocolates; your promotional campaign could be too with our Chocolate Box product

Everyone remembers that line from Forest Gump where imparts those infamous words of wisdom “Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get next!”  How right he was, but isn’t that what makes life interesting! It’s those little surprises that life throws at us that are often the most memorable.

It’s this ‘element of surprise’ that makes our pop up products so memorable and so successful.  Our chocolate box, with its rubber band mechanism to power its pop up action, takes that fun surprise element in to the world of business to business direct marketing. The chocolate box shape will appeal to advertisers running a promotion with a chocolate or confectionery theme and the fact that the product has an automatic pop-up action and is supplied with its own mailing pack makes it perfect for inclusion in a business to business direct marketing campaign. The sturdy mailing pack also makes this piece of direct mail stand out in the morning’s mail, before it’s even opened, any recipient will view the pack with curiosity and anticipation.

The shape of this advertising product is based on its trapezium-shaped walls. These walls stand on a square base and as they rise they grow wider before arriving at the large square top. This creates a shape that has been adopted by manufacturers of chocolates and confectionery and so it should fit in nicely with many business to business direct marketing campaigns.

Although the chocolate box product is perfectly capable of grabbing and holding your customer’s attention for long enough for your business to business promotion to begin to work, there are additional ways to boost the lifespan of your promotional message.  After all, it makes perfect sense to get the most out of the promotional product used in your direct marketing campaign, particularly if the cost remains the same – so what options do you have?

By adding a few holes to the top of the chocolate box, the promotional product can be successfully converted into a very attractive pen holder. Every time your customer reaches out for a pen, your promotional message will come into view. Alternatively try and fit a calendar in to your design, this simple conversion will add months to the life of your promotion and ensures that you get maximum value for money from your promotional product.

Promotional chocolate box-shaped pen holder