Wine and Beer Bottle Neckers to Grab Attention and Increase Sales

Bottle Cones - All-Round Wine and Beer Bottle Neckers

For your next drinks promotion why not design and use wine, spirits and beer bottle neckers to grab attention and increase customer awareness of your product?  Bottle collars and bottle neckers ensure that your bottles stand out on the shelf and create curiosity from the consumer.  Once picked up your bottle is more likely to end up the shopping basket or trolley.


Bottle Cone – All-round Wine and Beer Marketing Idea

The Bottle Cone wine marketing idea is a great way to draw attention to your bottles and gives an all-round display.  Fitting snugly around the bottles the Bottle Cone bottle neckers are on pack marketing products that have been around for a long time because they grab attention and increase sales in s stylish and easy way.  The conical shape of your wine and beer bottle neckers can be custom-made to suit your bottle and can be tweaked to reflect your drinks marketing message.  See popupmailers to chat live to our Advisors or to order FREE samples of bottle collars.


Towers of Strength – Bottle Neckers

Also a traditional and tried and tested wine and bottle necker is the Bottle Tower which is always made to fit your size and type bottle neck whether you need long and slender or short and stout. The team here can also give you advice about custom designing your Bottle Tower to give extra focus and increase sales.  The Bottle Tower has four sloping sides which slope inwards to ensure a snug fit onto your bottle neck and this design also gives you an all-round display for your promotional print.


More to Say? Discount Promotion? – You Need Mini Brochure Bottle Neckers

If you have more to say or you have a special promotion the Bottle Foldilocks drinks marketing mini brochure style may be the choice of wine and beer bottle neckers for you.  The Bottle Foldillocks is made up of perforated panels that fold away neatly and a hoop to slip over the bottle neck. The perforated panels make this a perfect choice for issuing discount coupons for a further purchase and add extra fizz to your drinks promotion.