Wheel Charts and Discs – Promotional Marketing Ideas

Get in a Spin with Attention-Grabbing Wheel Charts and Discs

Getting in a spin when you need to communicate information is the best idea.  That’s right Wheel Charts and Discs do your job for you.  Interactive spinners are promotional marketing ideas that grab attention and can be referred to again and again.   Spinners, calculators, eyeleted discs, ready reckoners – call them what you will! These promotional marketing product of 2 or 3 discs eyeleted at the centre are turned to reveal information through die-cut apertures.


Successful Campaigns using Wheel Charts and Discs

Success stories are far too numerous to chat about here today but I will do my best : ready reckoner; calculator; alcohol consumption; slide rule; pensions; inflation figures; cost calculations; colour chart; medical chart; questions and answers; sporting events calendar; sports statistics wheel; wildlife information chart; product identifier; fortune teller; biography charts; geographic information; first aid chart; recipe wheel.  Just recently a Food Wheel was a huge success – the wheel charts were issued to help to ease the amount of household food waste. The promotional marketing ideas were designed as discs that were easy to use and highlighted the need to reduce the 60% household waste figures. Alcohol consumption wheel charts and discs have proved to be very successful too on a number of occasions.


Strong Eyeleted Wheel Charts and Discs  

In the USA they are most commonly known as Wheel Charts. Over here they are called all-sorts – spinners; calculators; roundels; ready reckoners; eyeleted discs; vovelles; fact-finders; at-a-glance discs! These hugely popular interactive promotional marketing ideas keep your target audience amused and will be picked up again and again. Direct Mail Campaigns with these strong hard-wearing Wheel Charts and Discs ensure that your message is read and understood.


Cost-effective Promotional Marketing Ideas

The Wheel Charts and Discs are also very cost-effective to mail out and we can do it for you saving you even more!  Mail by hand is an added service and means that your spinning promotional marketing ideas arrive with your target audience when you need them to and in perfect condition ready to start work!


For more promotional marketing ideas see popupmailers

Samples can be ordered by clicking here and prices by clicking here