Unusual Printed Promotional Products should be part of your Marketing Plan

jumpinjaxMarketing budgets may be tight so you need to ensure that your products reach your intended audience and generate response rates.  I have some ideas for your printed promotional products that arrive as a package and are not discarded as “junk” by the Receptionist or PA, never to be seen by the relevant contact:


King of the Castle for Impact

All the pop-up products are sent in chunky customised mailers to ensure that they instigate curiosity and are opened immediately.  The Pop-up Castle is such shape for an unusual printed promotional product that as it leaps from the mailer it creates office banter and raises a smile. Customer focus is achieved without a fight with the Pop-up Castle and your efforts will not be a damsel in distress lie a boring flat letter or pamphlet.  With plenty of print are the product stands on your customers’ desk proudly displaying your company details for a long time; a great tip is to add pen holes to the top to increase “keepability” time.  This particular product can also be part of your marketing plan and be part of a “duel” – it can host your promotional print as a Pop-up Chocolate Box shape simply be designing it the other way round.    


Shining Star Pop-up Lantern

The Pop-up Lantern is a quirky little product shooting up the popupmailers best selling charts.  For attention grabbing unusual promotional printed products for your next advertising campaign the Pop-up Lanterns are a top choice. They have handles on and can be hung up if your customer so wishes.  Sent out as chunky mail they breakthrough the “junk mail” and the rest of the post almost like the speed of light to reach your intended audience.   What better way to generate response rates and impress your contacts than by using the Pop-up lantern as a key factor on your marketing plan?


Jumpinjax – Four Cubes to Delight and Surprise

The Jumpinjax is another pop-up product but with a difference – this time four small pop-up cubes bounce out from the product as your customer releases the tray.  This is least expected and creates a talking point straight away; the Jumpinjax will be shared with others due the novelty design which spreads your message to a wider audience too.


For more inspiring ideas to add to your marketing plan see the website popupmailers