You have Seconds to Make an Impression –Use Chunky Mailers with Pop-up Products

Use those first few seconds to grab attention - Pop up Pyramid and Zippalope

Yes that’s right – it is a well-proven fact that a direct mail piece has just seconds to impress. You need to grab attention fast and I am a believer that chunky mailers do the job for you.  Pop up Marketing Products are sent out in chunky mailing wraps and grab attention immediately.  Flat mail can be intercepted by a Receptionist or “gatekeeper” whereas a chunky packet always reaches your intended target.


Add Prestige with a Pop up Pyramid

With just seconds to impress your customers and prospects your customised Pop up Pyramid and chunky mailer Zippalope does the trick; by adding attention grabbing print to your packaging you gain maximum focus and curiosity.  This results in immediate investigation and when opened and your Pop up Pyramid jumps free when least expected you keep the attention gained.  Your direct mail piece simply cannot be ignored and your Pop up Pyramid will not end up in the waste paper basket with the rest of the “junk mail”.


Shine Above the Rest – Pop up Lantern

Novelty Pop up Marketing Products contained in chunky mailers beat the rest of the mail and are opened instantly.  Those first few seconds are imperative for a successful direct mail campaign so use your chunky mailers wisely.  The Pop up Lantern is a most unusual format and obtains great interest due to its novelty value.  A Pop up Lantern is also sent out in a Zippalope and it leaps free as soon as your customers and prospects tear it open.  Creating a talking point this product is a joy to design and will reflect well with increased response rates.


Power Pen Pal – Pots of Potential

Adding a pen pot to your chunky mailers is another great idea.  All your customers and prospects need something to hold their office stationery bits so this is direct mail marketing ticking all the boxes.  A Power Pen Pal leaps free from your customised Zippaolope that has already created an impact and will sit on desks and work stations for a very long time too.


More ideas and attention-grabbing pop up marketing products can be viewed at popupmailers

If you want to see some free samples click here  or prices click here