You need Pop up Marketing Ideas for B2B Marketing Projects

Four in One Pop up Marketing Idea - Jumpinjax

B2B marketing projects always benefit greatly from pop up marketing ideas that deliver your message with energy and surprise.  Erupting from your customised mailers pop up marketing ideas capture attention immediately and keep it for a long time afterwards too.  Achieving increased response rates and extra sales is easy with entertaining and powerful pop up products.

Pop up Pyramid adds Prestige to your Marketing

The Pop up Pyramid should be top of your list for your next B2B marketing projects.  Adding kudos and prestige to your direct mail campaigns a Pop up Pyramid will attract attention and keep it long after your initial promotion has ended.  Springing from the customised mailer your pop up pyramid will deliver your B2B marketing message with gusto and surprise.  A letter or a pamphlet is forgotten almost as soon as read but a pop up product sits on a work-station for a long time working as a constant reminder of your company.

Pop up Cube – Dice Shape but never a Gamble

The Pop up Cube is by far the most popular of all the pop up marketing ideas; it comes in four different sizes each with a promotional printed mailer.  The Pop up Cube is a must for your next B2B marketing projects and if you choose to add pen holes and/or a calendar your company will be in focus for a very long time indeed.  The cube shape has been portrayed as many things and some successful examples are: a boxed present, a dice for a corporate events company and a parcel for a transport logistics company.  Entertaining and unusual popup marketing ideas create more of an impact and are a top choice for B2B marketing projects.

Jumpinjax – Four in One!

The Jumpinjax is a best-seller for B2B marketing projects and I know why. This charming and versatile mailer has four smaller popup cubes that leap from the pack as soon as the tray is released. I call this the four-in-one although some customers have chosen to have just three cubes instead if the number three has complimented their sales campaign better.  You can also choose whether you have one or two insert cards in the Jumpinjax too but either way you have a great amount of print area.


For more ideas, photos and demo videos see popupmailers