Looking for Liquor Promotions and Bottle Marketing Products to Encourage Brand Loyalty?

Liquor Promotions and Bottle Marketing Campaigns need the Bottle Banner

Eye-catching and colourful bottle collars and hangers stand out amongst the other bottles and give your liquor promotions the extra punch they need. Whatever your bottle marketing project is for – wine, spirits, soft drinks or water you an easily encourage brand loyalty and increase your sales targets.


Bottle Banner – Great Display Area – Not to be Missed

The Bottle Banner has the largest display area and is a bottle collar that almost waves to your customers from the shelf. Fitting snugly around your bottle necks with a simple interlocking device it soon attracts attention and encourages extra sales and ultimately brand recognition and loyalty. The Bottle Banner is a perfect “pick me up” bottle collar and this is exactly what your customers will do! Liquor promotions and bottle marketing is easy with the Bottle Banner collars.


Collar and Tie – Best Bib and Tucker Bottle Collar

The Collar and Tie is a relatively simple design of bottle collar but it stands out and works hard for you.  The “tie” forms the main part of the display and attracts attention from shoppers; making your bottle marketing projects successful in an instant.  For your next liquor promotions design a Collar and Tie bottle collar and soon you will popping the corks for successful sales figures.


Starburst Bottle Hangers – Adds Extra Fizz 

For liquor promotions where you need extra fizz the Starburst Bottle Hanger is the one for you.  We often describe this as a mini booklet for bottle marketing because more often than not it works to gain focus on your bottles and is kept after the purchase too.  It is a more substantial design for liquor promotions and opens up in a very unusual way, almost like a flower coming into bloom.

Conference Advertising Too!

Bottle collars make superb markeitng products at conferences – those bottles of water look striking with unusual bottle collars and hangers! A great opportunity for additional marketing!

For other perfect cocktails for drinks, bottle and liquor promotions see popupmailers

Samples can be ordered by clicking here and prices by clicking here