Join Countless Others and Reap the Benefits from Exciting Direct Mail Products

springboxDirect Mail remains the most effective way to generate extra sales and establish brand recognition. Electronic direct marketing may have its place however it is a proven fact that hundreds of your e-mails will be deleted or end up in a junk mail box and never be seen again.  This is not the case with exciting direct mail products – I share some novel ideas with you here today:


Add Power to your Promotion with a Pen Pal

A Power Pen Pal is a fabulous product that delivers your marketing message with style and energy. It arrives in the post tray in a customised mailer looking tempting and interesting and when opened it bounces out much to the delight of your targeted audience.  Since the chunky mailer is viewed more like a gift box it is not thrown away by the “gatekeeper” and nominated as “junk mail” before even reaching your intended target; and once there it is so impressive that it will sit on a desk for a long time! The Power Pen Pal can hold lots of pens, pencils and more and will be seen by colleagues and co-workers too – extending your advertising time greatly. Exciting direct mail products knock spots off electronic marketing and boring flat mail.


Spring into Action with Pop-ups

The Spring Box and Two-Pop Box are two very exciting direct mail products that are small and cost-effective to post but with a remarkable surprise element to them.  They are the little brother and sister to the Jumpinjax (which you may already be familiar with) and they both get a message across in a striking and memorable way.  The Springbox has a clasp cover and when flicked open four small pop-up cubes leap free when least expected. It is a pocket sized product and is not only an exciting direct mail product but makes a perfect promotional item for trade-shows as well.  The Two-Pop is a smaller version with two pop-up cubes that bounce out and also has a good reputation as a give-away at Exhibitions.


Carry and Keep for Easy Reference

The Carry and Keep is from the Pocket-Sized Product range and is gaining recognition as an exciting direct mail product since it can hold lots of invaluable information and can be carried and kept! Initially it was designed to enhance the Tourist Products but is now in the best-selling chart for effective direct marketing and increased response rates.


For more exciting and inspiring ideas see popupmailers and whitneywoods