Make an impression – command your customers’ attention with a bespoke direct mailing wrap

When cash flow is tight and the competition to stay afloat is high, it’s only right that marketeers should turn their focus to adding value to their businesses products and services.  If they are to build and maintain the success of their business and retain and expand their client base, they must strive to elevate their brand and make it more desirable. 


You’ve already worked hard to make your product the best that it can be, your unit costs and pricing have been reviewed for the umpteenth time and is as competitive you can afford, so where do you go from there? I would argue the answer is to add value to your customer.  Make them feel respected and valued and this will encourage them to engage with your brand.


So for your next promotional mail campaign you need to adopt a quality feel to make your customer feel special.  A good way to achieve that is to opt for something bespoke, something that’s really going to get your customers attention and really going to make them feel valued. More than that though, I’d also say that it’s not just what you send it’s how you send it too.  Whether you’re introducing a new product to an existing customer, or a new customer to an existing product, first impressions really count!  Your customer will receive countless bland envelopes on a daily basis with varying amounts of ‘junk’ mail inside them so make your campaign stand out from the off and send your bespoke direct mail piece in a bespoke direct mail pack.  Let’s face it, receiving an unusual package fills most people with a sense of excited anticipation and an irresistible urge to stop everything else for a second and just find out what could be inside.


All of our pop-up promotional products come with their own bespoke mailing envelope that makes them a neat little pack to receive through the post.  The wraps are printed on the same sheet as the pop-up products so they can be designed to tie in with your campaign making it stand out even more right from the first instance. Once opened the pop-up products again make a great impact and will really set your promotion apart.

Custom direct mailing products