Four Golden Rules for Successful B2B Direct Mail
Many companies in the UK make direct mail products for B2B direct marketing but no-one offers a range of pop-up mailers to match ours. We feature over 30 fully automatic, rubber band activated 3D pop-ups alone!
Each product has been designed with Business-to-Business promotion in mind. It is vitally important that direct marketing efforts do not end up in the waste bin like so many leaflets and booklets and there are certain rules to help achieve this goal:
- Four Golden Rules of B2B Direct Marketing
- Make your mailing pack stand out in your customer’s morning mail
- Once the pack is opened, make sure that the contents grab your customer’s attention
- Hold your customer’s attention so that your message hits home
- Add longevity to the DM campaign by adding “keepability” to the mailer
If your mailer achieves all four objectives then it has done its job. Automatic Pop-ups tick all of the boxes, though you can do certain things to make the campaign last even longer. Adding holes to a pop-up cube changes it to a desk top pen holder for example. Printing dates on a pop-up house creates a calendar for your Christmas promotion. A fun idea such as a wobbly-head will add a high degree on interaction and “keepability”.