Direct Mail Still Delivers – Direct to your Customers

The Interloop Mailer delivers DIRECT to your AUDIENCE
Even in this technological world of ours direct mail still delivers increased response and makes an impact. Whilst it may be decades old direct mail is still a very effective marketing technique to have. The term direct mail explains the power of sending a promotional printed piece to your customers and prospects: “DIRECT” – direct to your audience and “MAIL” – a physical piece of communication.
For maximum effect your direct mail pieces should definitely have an interactive element to them because keeping your target audience hands busy gets your message across easily and generates a talking point too.
Of the many formats produced by the Whitney Woods team clever folds are a super idea to keep your audience focussed and entertained and the Interloop Mailer® interactive mailer ticks all the boxes. This is a powerful direct mail idea that engages your reader from the minute it is received and is always picked up again and again due to the novelty design. Turning and turning this dynamic marketing tool to read the full message is the key factor that adds novelty value and amusement to your direct mail campaign.
We are happy to send free samples of this and other products we produce for you to look at and visualise how they would look with your logos and your marketing message. Every product is bespoke with customised print and the process is easy. Our dedicated team are here to answer any queries you have, discuss your requirements, send more information and work with you to produce a DIRECT MAIL product that packs a punch.
For more ideas, information, videos why not take a look at: direct mail ideas

Unfolding and Folding Again Interloop Mailer Fun
We can mail your products for you too – a one stop shop to connect you directly to your customers and prospects.