Direct Mail Marketing – Essential to your Marketing Strategy

Jumpinjax - Direct Mail Marketing Idea
Direct mail marketing has an even more important role than ever these days since e-mail marketing and social media advertising are in abundance. E-mail marketing has its place but is her today and gone tomorrow whereas exciting and innovative direct mail products continue to work for you months after your initial promotion. Read on for some ideas for your marketing strategy:
Pop-up Ball – All Rounder Idea
Direct mail marketing with the Pop-up Ball is exciting for both yourself and your customer – you design your bespoke ball and send out in your custom mailer safe in the knowledge that your advertising will reach your intended audience. Flat mail can end up in the trash can, e-mails are deleted in a second never to be read again but a Pop-up Ball will sit on your customers’ desk serving as a constant reminder of your company. Add pen holes and/or a printed calendar and your direct mail marketing is viewed as a gift! This is perfect marketing strategy to keep your company in focus.
Jump to it – Cute and Entertaining
The Jumpinjax really is a favourite of mine, I love to hear stories about how this product has surprised and entertained recipients. Just last week it was used in a direct mail marketing campaign as part of a leap year promotional marketing strategy and response was phenomenal. There is plenty of printing area on the outer sleeve and inner card/s and when your customer pulls the tab four small pop-up cubes leap free when least expected. Imagine how delightful it is when amongst the boring bills and regular mail this is opened – that could be your customers and your company will be remembered and referred to for a long time.
Push up your Marketing Strategy and Pull in your Sales
The Push ‘n’ Pull is a very interactive product and will be picked up again and again and shown to co-workers too. There are different sizes available; all have a great amount of print area. As your customer pulls arm from the main body the other arm comes out at the same time making it a very entertaining idea for direct mail marketing.
For more fabulous ideas see whitneywoods and popupmailers