Creative Bottle Neck Collars Enhance your Drinks Marketing Campaigns

Creative Bottle Neck Collars - You need for your Drinks Marketing Campaigns

Drinks marketing campaigns need creative bottle neck collars to attract customers and increase sales.  Eye-catching bottle neck collars create curiosity and stand out amongst the rest of the bottles on the shelves.  Today I am highlighting some of the best sellers in the range.


Rewarding Rosette Bow – Decorative Bottle Neck Collars

The Rosette Bow is a very eye-catching and attractive bottle neck collar that slips over your bottles very easily and fits snugly.   This is a shape and design is ideal for promoting stars and special reserve drinks marketing campaigns. Rosettes are always associated with awards and winning which is a very positive association for your drinks marketing promotions.


Bottle Balls – Bottle Neck Collars Score Well

With so much variety on the drinks aisle these days you often find your customers studying long and hard before making a final choice. As their eyes scan the shelves you need yours to be the one that stands out and catches their eye.  The Bottle Balls bottle neck collars have are big and bold with two balls which stick out from the shoulders of the bottle to form the lion’s share of the display.  Why not design your Bottle Balls bottle neck collar for your next drinks marketing campaign?


Tower of Strength – Traditional Bottle Tower

In a more traditional and one you will have seen around for a long time is the Bottle Tower; this has four sloping sides giving your drinks marketing campaigns an all-round display.  A best-seller for spirits, beer and wine it has recently been the product of choice for a well known soft drinks manufacturer too.


Bottle Banner – Large Display Waves to Customers

The Bottle Banner reminds me of a flag waving to customers and is a very popular choice for drinks marketing campaigns for new products due to the large display are that cannot be missed. Whichever bottle neck collars you need there is a wide choice and we are always on hand to offer advice.


For more drinks marketing ideas see popupmailers

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