Choose Pop-up Calendars for your Company this Christmas
The lead-in to Christmas is our busiest time of the year for custom calendar printing. The demand for customised pop-up calendars starts as early as August and, typically, goes right through to last minute after-thoughts! Even though our range of automatic pop-ups are nor immediately considered as a pop-up calendar there are some which lend themselves so well to the task that we have picked out six particular favourites to feature in this special section on promotional calendars.
Not every pop-up mailer is suitable for custom calendar printing. It really depends on the shape of the product. The main considerations are that there should be enough room to print clearly visible month-by-month dates and that there is enough room for promotional print. Products with 4 or 6 sides are usually chosen and with room enough for dates these are suited to custom calendar printing. The most popular shape is a pop-up cube which is ordinarily custom-printed with 3 month-by-month dates on each of 4 square panels and with promotional print on the other two panels.
As well as the pop-up cube, other automatic pop-ups are suitable for printing as customized calendars. Our Pop-up Ball has 12 panels for monthly dates and a hexagonal top and base for customised promotional print. A pop-up house is a novel shape for a calendar and these can be supplied with the dates positioned in different places. Some clients prefer the roof and others the walls but either way gives an effective display. A Hexapop is another unusual shape that has 6 triangular faces on each side with space for the promotional message above the dates.
Pop-up up pen holders offer a dual use as a promotional product for your B2B client promotion. They come with 4 or 6 sides and can have an automatic pop-up action like our Power Pen Holder or there is a budget version with a manual push-up action and both are equally suited to custom calendar printing. We call the manual version a Pen Pal and this can be supplied with the added option of a header card to give clear focus to the promotional message. The pop-up cube and the pop-up house can also be adapted as penholders. The attributes of these particular products combine to produce a customised product that is guaranteed to give your promotion a desk life that offers fantastic value for money. Your 12-month calendar will cost something like 2p – 3p per week!