Attention Grabbing Direct Mail Products – The Changing Faces of Marketing

coverdissolveGrab attention in a most unusual way with a changing picture product.  It is a well proven fact that interaction gains customer focus and ultimately increases response rates.  A changing picture or a dissolving picture is a dynamic way of communicating to your customers and one that will be captivating as soon as received.


Cover Dissolve – Open up a Marketing Change

The Cover Dissolve is an attention grabbing direct mail product that has a picture change as soon as the cover is lifted.  In recent weeks this product has played a central role in a marketing campaign delivering a message about change and transformation and feedback was exceptional.  The Cover Dissolve is a direct mail product that will create office banter and will be shared with others in the workplace.  This means that your advertising exposure is much greater too.  With good graphic design this will be your perfect attention grabbing direct mail product and your telephones will be ringing with enquiries.  


Call to Action Dissolving Pictures

The Dissolving Pictures are available in a variety of sizes and styles and there is one perfect for your communication.  These products make perfect attention grabbing direct mail products; they are very amusing and will be picked up again and again.  Not only do they capture your customers’ attention but that of colleagues and co-workers too.  Sliding the card in and out transforms the picture and is very entertaining to say the least. The four page Dissolver is my favourite of all, two changing pictures – even more entertainment in your product.  The Dissolving Pictures are also very often designed for trade show give-aways; they are a very cost-effective way of creating attention grabbing products for your advertising purposes.


Visual Impact Generates Response

A visual design that is pleasing to the eye will always capture attention and keep it; all the products in the Dissolving Picture range have worked well for marketing campaigns ranging from messages about “before and after” , “from this to this”, “we are moving”, my favourite one recently was for an Orthodontist – the dissolving Picture was the perfect way to advertise new treatments.


For more information, photographs and demo videos see whitneywoods