Add some Fun to Promotional Products with Unusual Advertising Ideas

Bobbin' Duck - Just one of the Range of Interactive Pop up Cards

Summer is here and the fun fairs and summer activities are in full swing so why not add some extra fun and amusement to your promotional products?  Unusual advertising ideas that capture attention and entertain your customers and prospects will be remembered and increase your brand recognition greatly.


Flicker Cards – “Waterfall Effect” Promotional Products

The Flicker Cards are very interactive and add amusement to your marketing message.  Coming in many sizes you can design your “waterfall effect” unusual advertising idea to reflect your promotion perfectly.  This product always reminds me of the very first movies – “What the Butler Saw” at the fun fair and sea-side that Victorians would pay their penny to view and the pictures flicked by.  The DL size of Flicker Card can even be supplied with your customised mailing wrap for extra publicity.


Bobbin’ Duck Pop up Card

The Pop up Card range we have is extensive; however the Bobbin’ Duck is particularly fun and amusing. The bobbin’ duck is connected to the wheel by a long shaft which is eyeleted to a wheel in an off-centre position. As your customer turns the wheel the shaft moves up and down with it.  Reminding me of the Hook a Duck fun fair stalls this is a very unusual advertising idea and gains maximum focus every time. Of course this bobbing motion can have any die-cut piece and you may have your own exciting ideas for promotional products using this design.


Telescopic Boxes– Extending and Extending Promotional Products

The Telescopic Boxes are very interactive and unusual advertising ideas that your customers and prospects will play with again and again. Extending to 720 mm you have a great area for your customised print and can create bespoke promotional products that will be talked about with co-workers too.    The telescopic box mailer is a box within a box and is great fun.

See more unusual advertising ideas at popupmailers

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