Promotional Pop-up Calendars and Pen Holders – Keep your Customers Focus

penholdercubeTo achieve extra sales and brand loyalty from your customers why not send them a desk-top novelty that will sit on their desk as a daily reminder about your company?  Pen Holders are used every single day in any workplace and add a calendar too and you have a perfect two in one promotional product that you know will not be ignored and thrown into the recycle bin like letters and flyers.


Powerful Pen Pal for Rewarding Response Rates

A Power Pen Pal is exactly as the name suggests – it is powerful, it holds pens and will be a pal to your customer as it sits on their desk proudly holding pens and pencils.  This product arrives with your customer in a chunky customised mailer and as soon as opened it is met with surprise and delight as it bounces out in front of them.  There is plenty of room for your marketing message and company details and if you choose to add a calendar then you know it will be working hard for you for twelve months at least; although we know that often they are retained long after the calendar has expired.


Box Clever with the Pop-up Cube

A Pop-up Cube is the best selling promotional product, however by adding pen holes you create a useful desk-top tool that extends the “keepability” time greatly.  Once again the cubes leap from their customised mailers with energy and surprise and are a talking point immediately.  Colleagues and co-workers will be intrigued and pick up the product for closer inspection which all the while is extending your advertising profile.  Should you choose to have a calendar printed on your promotional pop-up as well then you have a desk—top novelty that will be viewed each and every working day. This is a terrific way to keep your company in focus.


Prestigious Pyramid Pen Pot

For a prestigious air to your promotional pen pots the Pop-up Pyramid is a novel shape and adds kudos to any marketing campaign.  By choosing to have pen holes in one face of the pyramid it will hold your customers’ pens in “wine rack” style which is very unusual and appealing.  Pyramids always convey construction and strength and you can build up customer relationships and strong brand loyalty with a Pop-up Pyramid which arrives in your customers’ mail box in a chunky mailer and leaps free as soon as opened.


For more dynamic ideas for marketing and advertising see the website whitneywoods