Chunky Mail is Effective form of Direct Mail Advertising

cuboidFor high response to your B2B direct mail advertising campaign you need your target audience to open it in the first place.  How many times do you check your own post pile with a quick glance, see all the flat dull envelopes and leave for later or ignore altogether?  I am now happy to share some ideas to make sure your direct mail is the one that is seized from the pile since it is eye-catching and creates curiosity and intrigue.  Both products below are preferred choice and are sent in their specially designed custom mailers.

Custom-Printed Chunky Mail Idea

The pop-up cuboid design arrives in its own stylish custom mailer. Looking bold and showy it is not going to be ignored and discarded by the “gatekeeper”.  It will reach the intended addressee and once there will be opened with keenness.  The pop-up cuboid will bounce out carrying your message and immediately you and your company are being recognised and talked about.  With high customer interaction this is a product that will be topic of conversation over coffee break and your B2B direct mail campaign is a winner!  This product lends itself perfectly to “copy-cat” of your product packaging in miniature, for example pop-up cereal box or pop-up bar of soap. And as if that wasn’t enough by adding holes you can transform the product into a pen holder that will stay on the desk for a very long time.  Mission Accomplished!

Think outside the Box

Gone are the days of sending a promotional pen or flat mail.  To attract your customers you have to be dynamic and make an impact. With chunky mail the whole product carries your message and with high customer interaction B2B percentage response rates are significantly improved. One of my all time favourites is the extender card.  Reaching its destination in its bright and tempting custom mailer the extender card requires manual customer interaction to pull out the card and reveal your message.  There are endless possibilities with this design, it has been used in the past month to advise customers about extension of product range, launch of new products and also as a notification of moving premises. This is Chunky Mail that promotes fabulous response rates.


For more exciting information see the website pop-up mailers