Dynamic Dimensional Mailers for Open, Read and Respond Success
A web search for B2B Direct Mail Response Rates reveals that there are an awful lot of figures online saying lots of different things. B2B Direct Mail discussion groups such as those on LinkedIn also reveal a very diverse range of opinions on the subject. However, I think it’s safe to say that everyone agrees on certain points. For example, B2B direct mail done badly will definitely produce the poor results that brings the “avarage” figures down. You need to look at specific successful campaigns to get an idea of what direct mail can achieve. Only when you do this do you start to see a true picture of what happens when B2B direct mail is done well.
One thing is for sure, if your direct mailing piece doesn’t even get opened then response will be zero. If it gets opened but is so boring that no-one reads it then, again, zero response is to be expected. So, how can you guarantee that your B2B mailer will be opened? Here’s another area in which B2B direct mail experts agree – make your mailer look like a gift. Send it in a box or a chunky pack. This is what is known in the USA as Dimensional Mail or Dimensional Marketing; a simple and logical tag but one that doesn’t seem to have caught on yet in the UK.
However, I’m not so sure that doing just that with little regard for the quality of the content is enough to guarantee response. Once the pack is opened you need to grasp the reader’s attention and that can only be done with a strong campaign message that is backed by a product that capture’s the readers imagination. The obvious choice to do this from my point of view is to choose a product such as our Jumpinjax for example; an automatic pop-up mailer – a dimensional mailer with dynamism. Let’s call them Dynamic Dimensionals.
We have a list of testimonials as long as your arm that testify to the success of our dynamic dimensional mailers and one area where they score very high marks is their ability to encourage readers to open, read and respond to the mailing piece. These are three words that I would like to put in front of every marketing professional before they embark on a B2B DM campaign – Open Read Respond. It should remind everyone of the aims of the campaign. It’s not all about being clever or winning design awards – DM is about results and awareness. Remember OPEN*READ*RESPOND and you will start off on the right track.