Pop-Up Pyramid a Hit as an Invitation and Giveaway or “Freebie” Product

pop-up pyramidThe unique shape of the pop-up Pyramid will make this product of great interest to many professionals who organize corporate events. The custom-printed automatic pop-up pyramid is popular as a corporate event invitation and as an exhibition handout or trade show giveaway. It is supplied compressed in its own mailing pack which is also custom-printed. We are also able mail out your pop-up pyramid event invitation to your own customer and contact database to make sure that the pop-up action is good and fresh and to aid expediency to ensure that your corporate event gets off to a good start.

This attractive pop-up has always been a hit at corporate events and has a broad appeal as pyramids are popular with academics and “serious types” as well as being adopted for more playful themes. It has been produced for many types of events including product launches, seminars, Christmas celebrations and the pop-up pyramid in the picture was used to publicize the screening of an animated film – “Alvin and the Chipmunks”.