Custom-Made Pop-up Cards for Advertising, Marketing and Promotions

Pop-up engineeringWhilst our automatic pop-up products carry a big impact and many of our interactive mailers have eye-catching mechanisms, sometimes a marketing campaign calls for something a little less “gimmicky” or “quirky”. Clients who require a certain level of impact without wishing to make an overstatement often plump for a pop-up card and with good reason.

Each pop-up card is custom made to client requirements right down to the shape of the pop-up element and the angle of the erect pop up piece. The size, shape and angle often determine whether or not the pop-up effect is subtle or very dramatic and that is often the key to the success of the advertising promotion.

Keep it Simple, Keep it Effective and Keep it Affordable

One problem that often arises with promotional pop-up cards is when a client has been inspired to plump for a pop-up card having seen a fantastic card creation from someone like Robert Sabuda. Alternatively, a client will have seen a wonderful pop-up display in a children’s book and will think, “That’s what I want!” However, products such as a pop-up book will almost invariably have been printed and assembled in the Far East or in a South American country at a cost that we cannot hope to match in Europe.

As magnificent as many retail paper engineering pop-up creations are, the truth is that they are over-complicated for most B2B marketing messages. The impact required for a B2B promotion to be a success needs to be little more than a short, sharp shock – just long enough to grab your clients’ attention and for your client to recognise, for example, that your pop-up card is announcing the launch of a new brand of soft drink. 

For promotional pop-ups the 3-point rule is: Keep in simple, keep is effective, keep it affordable