Add Mystery and Intrigue to your Direct Mail Marketing Products for Extra Audience Response

Mystery is the main plot with a Red Reveal Marketing Product

It’s Oscars weekend again and all the nominees will be attending the glitzy ceremony to see if they have won the ultimate in movie awards.  You too can gain extra audience response by using interactive and entertaining marketing products; you won’t get any Oscars but your sales and company profile will be greatly improved.


Jumbled up Message Creates Interest

You don’t need Agent 007 or M to design a Red Reveal for your next marketing campaign but it does add a sense of intrigue and mystery for you. The main concept behind the Red Reveal product is the fact that you send a scrambled message that can only be deciphered by using the “magic film” in the reader card.  You send your ‘secret’ message and your customer has to physically insert the message card into the Red Reveal window to read it.  This high interaction from your customer ensures that you gain maximum attention from your audience as soon as the show begins.


Pop up Lantern – Light– Action

The Pop up Lantern is a quirky little product to attract immediate attention and keep it.  It is a shining example of how pop up products attract maximum interest as soon as the movie starts.  With good production and direction from you your bespoke Pop up Lantern will impress your customers and create a talking point with co-workers and colleagues too. Regular readers of my blog will know that all pop up marketing products are compressed into the mailers and erupt into shape as soon as opened.  Just like all good movies this surprise element works a treat!


It’s a Wrap!

All the pop up marketing and many of the interactive products including the Red Reveal Reader Card are mailed in their own mailing wrap.  This gives you the opportunity to stand out from the rest of your customers’ morning mail, create curiosity and be opened immediately. It is also an excellent opportunity to use extra printing area to enhance your marketing campaign.


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