Folded Mailers and Pop up Mail Ideas – Marketing Products that Work

Folded Mailers - Starbursts - Bursting with Potential for Marketing Products

Bill Gates once said “If I was down to my last dollar, I’d spend it on PR”.  In the current economic climate you may be tempted to cut corners in marketing and advertising when in actual fact it has never been as vital to make sure you stand out from the crowd and build loyalty with your customers.


Starburst Folded Mailers – Bursting with Potential

The Starburst Fold is a flamboyant and attractive folded display opening up like a flower coming into bloom and is available in many sizes and shapes.  Your only problem will be deciding which style and size to choose for your bespoke and attention-grabbing folded mailers.   The Starburst Folded Mailers are a delight to design and send and they impress your customers with their interactive and novel opening style. Creating a memorable experience is paramount to successful marketing; a  favourite of mine is the Circular Starburst – an all-round marketing product that works and increase response rates.


Home-in on Pop up Mail Ideas – Roof-top Response Rates

Now here is a quirky and attention-grabbing pop up mailer – the Pop up House. Erupting from your customised mailer your Pop up House springs into shape and lays foundations for a terrific customer/supplier relationship instantly.  You can add pen holes to the roof if you wish to extend the lifetime of your pop up mail idea. It is a proven fact that desk-top marketing products are a constant reminder of your company and in the current economic climate will boost your brand awareness greatly.


Pop up Cuboids – Pop up Mail Ideas   

Pop up Boxes or Pop up Cuboids are terrific for capturing attention and are made to order to suit your marketing products needs. In successful campaigns the Pop up Cuboid has been designed as a pop up mail idea depicted as a van, a bus, a lorry, a carton, a crate, a chest and recently even a telephone box. Some clients even choose to have an extra “wobbly bit” for added effect. Spend your marketing budget wisely and take heed of Bill Gates and his wise words.


For more pop up mail ideas and folded mailers see popupmailers

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