Impress Your Customers and Encourage Extra Sales with Pop up Direct Mail

Pop up Direct Mail Pieces Grab Attention - Pop up Diamond

How do you ensure that your customers read your marketing message? Pop up direct mail can’t be ignored and will really impress your customers.  You may have decided that e-mail marketing is sufficient and whilst it does have its place you cannot beat something dimensional and playful arriving in the post. If your e-mail in-box is anything like mine you know that your e-shots may be deleted in a second without even being read.


Shine Through with a Pop up Lantern

Your customised Pop up Lantern is a most unusual shape and will gain maximum focus as it springs into shape as soon as the mailer is opened.  Often depicted as a Christmas lantern for alternative festive messages it is also very popular throughout the year and is a shining example of how to gain maximum focus to your marketing.  The Pop-up Lantern is supplied with its own mailing envelope called a Zippalope which is custom-printed to your requirements and stands out above all of the limp white envelopes in your customer’s morning mail. Grab your customer’s attention immediately with a pop up direct mail Pop-up Lantern. Job Done!


Pop up Diamond – Your Customer’s Best Friend

Remaining with things that shine the Pop up Diamond is a top carat of an example of pop up direct mail too. Technically it is a pentagonal dipyramid but a Pop up Diamond is how we and our clients like to refer to it! It has a terrific reputation as pop up direct mail; corporate event invitation; product launch pop up direct mail; trade show give away and unusual festive greeting.  Quite often our clients like to add a piece of elastic or metallic string so that their unique Pop up Diamond can be hung up too!


Jump to it! – Jumpinjax

The Jumpinjax is a favourite of mine as regular readers of my blog will already know. Not just one but four pop up cubes are used in this dynamic pop up direct mail piece.  Rather like a Christmas cracker your customers enjoy the experience of opening up your pop up direct mail which consequently keeps your marketing exciting and memorable.


For more pop up direct mail ideas see popupmailers