Attention-Grabbing Wine Bottle Collars and Bottle Tags for Bottle Promotions

Wine Bottle Collars for Successful Bottle Promotions

For your next bottle marketing or liquor promotional campaign you need creative and striking wine bottle collars and bottle tags.  Attracting attention is easy with unusual bottle collars and tags and will ensure that your sales increase and your brand is noticed.


Bottle Towers – Popular Choice

Bottle Towers are a very popular choice since they have a large print area for your bottle promotions and fit snugly around the bottle neck too. The Bottle Tower wine bottle collars have four sides which slope inwards towards the top and looks like a castle keep or a tower. This shape ensures an all-round display from every angle and soon has your bottles leaving the supermarket shelf and into shopping baskets and trollies. The Bottle Cone is a similar design but conical in shape.


Bottle Tags with extra Fizz

You will be familiar with Single Bottle Tags since they are a common sight in the wines and spirits aisles of our local supermarkets but how much notice does the average drinks consumer take of these actual neck tags? Isn’t it time to explore some more eye-catching alternatives? The Double Portrait or Double Landscape versions of wine bottle collars and bottle tags from popupmailers are more substantial, more attention grabbing and a great idea for successful bottle promotions. These versions offer you four-page credit-card sized print area and a very attractive metallic string.


Bottle Promotions – Tied up Nicely

The Collar and Tie wine bottle collars are a particular favourite of mine; they always look very prestigious and cannot be ignored.  For bottle promotions to stand out you need something striking and the Collar and Tie design works hard for you every time.  Arriving with the interlock already in place and folded flat they are easily slipped over the bottle neck. The “Tie” forms the major part of the display with the two blades emanating from the shoulders of the bottle; bottle tags with extreme style.


Collar and Tie Bottle Collar

For more drinks marketing and bottle promotions ideas see popupmailers

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