Attention-Grabbing Bottle Collars and Bottle Neck Hangers

Easy Drink Marketing with Bottle Dressing Products

Drinks and Liquor Marketing is easy with attention-grabbing bottle collars and bottle neck hangers from Popupmailers.  We have a vast array of designs and styles to choose from and something perfect for your next drinks marketing campaign. 

Banner Bottle Collars – Extra Broadcast

Banner Bottle Collars have the most display area in a “flag-style” way which is very eye-catching and arouses curiosity.  This interlocking collar sits right on the bottle neck nice and snugly and is a very unusual shape with a great amount of print area for your drink promotion or marketing campaign.  This style of bottle collar is also suitable for household bottles and cleaning products.


Sunday Best Collar and Tie Bottle Collar

The Collar and Tie Bottle Collar wraps around the bottle neck with a simple interlocking system and looks very striking and impossible to miss.  The “tie” forms the major part of the display with two blades emanating from the shoulders of the bottle. For your liquor marketing or drinks marketing to be a success you need bottle dressing products that capture attention; with this style you will soon have your bottles in supermarket trolleys and the cash tills jingling with your extra sales.


Traditional Bottle Tower or Bottle Cone

No need to re-invent the wheel is there? Well the same can be said for the tradition bottle tower and bottle cones we have seen for many years; both styles fit snugly around the bottle neck with lots of print area for your promotions.  The Bottle Cone is conical in shape and the Bottle Tower is straight sided; whichever style you prefer they are popped onto the bottles in seconds, look impressive and increase interest and sales.


Unfolding Promotions and Product Information Bottle Hanger Foldilocks

We have many styles of Bottle Hangers, my favourite and a best seller is Foldilocks Bottle Hanger. Looking like a mini brochure the panels unfold and are ideal for issuing discount vouchers and loyalty coupons for future purchases and encouraging brand loyalty.

Lots more information available at popupmailers