Encourage Brand Loyalty with Unique Marketing Products

Your Brand in Mnd - Pop up Pyramid

The most successful marketing products are the ones that create an instant recognition of a product or service and if you need to promote brand loyalty read on.  A recent survey concluded that almost 30% of small business marketers plan to increase their direct mail budgets and that B2B marketers still rely on direct mail to deliver the best results for both acquiring new customers and retaining existing customers. So how do you promote brand loyalty?  Well here are some great ideas:


Pushing up Brand Loyalty – and Sales

Promoting Brand Loyalty is easy with a Push up Pen Pal, this is a direct mail product that will sit on a work station and serve as a constant reminder of your products. Not only will it be seen by your target audience but by visitors and co-workers too; these pen pots are unique marketing ideas that work!  Every time a pen or pencil is reached for your company is in mind – what better way to establish brand loyalty and ensure your sales are increased? This product arrives flat and is erected in seconds with one easy move; this interaction ensures that maximum focus is gained instantly.

Pop up Pyramid – Add Style and Surprise

The Pop up Pyramid is one of the unique marketing products that leap free from their mailers as soon as opened commanding full attention and creating a talking point too.  Many shapes and sizes are available however the Pop up Pyramid is a shape that is associated with prestige and grandeur. Encouraging brand loyalty with this product is easy – it will sit on a work-station for a long time, building up your brand awareness with others too.


Interloop Mailer – Intriguing and Playful

Interactive products capture attention and keep it and there is nothing better than the Interloop Mailer for achieving this.  Entertaining your customers and encouraging brand loyalty with this unique marketing idea is great fun. To read your full promotional message this product has to be turned and turned again and again, rather like a puzzle.  It will be picked up again and again and shared with others, all the while enhancing your brand loyalty campaign.


For more unique marketing ideas see popupmailers and whitneywoods