Direct Mail Ideas for your next Brand Awareness Campaign

Constant reminder for your customers - Pen Pal Desk-top Product

For your next marketing and brand awareness campaign you need direct mail ideas that will capture attention and keep it.  The best way to do this is with entertaining and professional products that are surprising and interactive and achieve maximum focus and brand loyalty. 








Pop up Cube – Strength and Purpose

Adding strength and importance to a brand awareness campaign is easy with a Pop up Cube that leaps free from its’ custom mailer as soon as opened and is always warmly received.  The Pop up Cube is available in four sizes from 75 mm to 120 mm and whichever ones you decide to use for your direct mail ideas you cannot be ignored.  A recent success story for a well-known financial institution was with a staged campaign.  Rather like Russian Dolls the cubes were sent out every quarter, the 75 mm took centre stage first followed by the others and ending with the 120 mm Pop up Cube.  The response rates and brand loyalty reported has been far in excess of any previous campaigns.

Interaction – a Key to Focus and Brand Awareness

The Dissolvers are a range of changing pictures that make terrific direct mail ideas for grabbing attention and are particularly suitable for a brand awareness campaign.  These too are available in different sizes and designs and are very amusing and interactive for your customers.  Success stories include “before and after” brand awareness campaigns for a leading weight-loss company; “from this to this” for a company promoting cosmetic surgery.  Direct mail ideas like these are picked up and played with again and again and are always shared with others promoting your brand all the time.

Pen Pot Powerful Promotion

A pen pot is something that is used each and every working day at each and every work station and to that end a Push up Pen Pal is one of the most popular direct mail ideas for a brand awareness campaign.  Cost-effective to post it arrives with your customers flat and is erected in seconds to begin its life as a desk-top product that reminds your customer about your company every single working day.

For more ideas and inspiration for direct mail ideas see popupmailers