Winning Marketing Techniques for your Direct Mail Advertising

popupcuboidIt was trick or treat for Halloween last night children everywhere were out in force collecting their goodies.  It is pleasing to give chocolate and sweets and see the delight on their faces as they collect a stash of indulgence.  Similarly you can bowl your customers over with a sweet recipe that adds fun to their day when you use interactive and surprising direct mail products. 


Pop-up Ball – Surprising and Charming

The Pop-up Ball is a novel and cute pop-up product and perfect for your direct mail advertising. It arrives in your customers’ mail tray in a chunky customised envelope which immediately looks tempting to open – just like sweeties are.  As a child I always liked aniseed balls and the Pop-up Ball reminds me of how delighted I was when presented with them in a little paper bag by Granny as an occasional treat.  Your customers will be equally impressed when they open your customised mailer and the Pop-up ball bounces out carrying your marketing message. Simply by adding pen holes to the top and you have the sugar coating on the product and transform it into a desktop product that will remain with them for much longer too.       


Push up Pen Pal – Interaction and Focus

By ensuring that your direct mail advertising products require interaction your customer will be more focussed on your company and your marketing techniques knock spots off your competitors.  The Push-up Pen Pal reminds me of the sherbet fountains we used to buy with our pocket money.  We had great fun with the liquorice stick and the tube of sherbet.  Your customer receives the Push-up Pen Pal flat and is delighted to see that with one easy action the product is a sturdy desk-top tool to hold pens, pencils and so much more.  There is plenty of room for your customised print and by adding a calendar you have a two-in –one direct mail advertising product – just like the sherbet fountain!


Pick and Mix Pop-up Cuboid

Just like the Pop-up Ball the Pop-up Cuboid is chunky mail and as far as marketing techniques are concerned you have so many choices with this one.  The Pop-up Cuboid really is the King of Pick and Mix direct mail advertising products; you can send it as it is – a box, or as a pen holder or something incredibly unique a money box!  When sent as a money box it creates a lot of office banter immediately and you have achieved what you want – attention on your company!


For more ideas and information see the website whitneywoods