Wheel Charts and Volvelles make Terrific Marketing Products too

wheelchartsThere are so many possibilities with Wheel Charts, Discs, Vovelles; whatever you wish to call them they are versatile, stylish and hard-wearing products.  These designs are hugely popular for passing on information in the form of recycling and parking discs, pharmaceutical information and mortgage percentages but they have many more strings to their bow as interactive marketing products.


Turn your Customers Head

The Wheel Charts are discs eyeleted together designed to your exact specifications to match your current promotion.  They are sturdy and stylish and reveal your information through die-cut apertures.  Due to their playful design it does mean that your customers will pick them up again and again and will also share with others which extends your advertising profile and time greatly. 


Ideas for using the Wheel Chart Format

As interactive marketing products some of the wheel chart success stories are event invitations for a trade show organiser; announcement of new products in a range; and a calorie counter for a well known slimming organisation.  The Parking Disc and Recycling Disc designs have been used for Corporate Event Invitations regularly with great feedback.  Most recently Christmas Markets were advertised by a local authority using the Parking Disc format– the message was – Stop at the Christmas Market on your way home; I thought that was very unusual and novel.


Give your Promotions a Twist with the Volvelles

Of course the turning and twisting involved to reveal all the information with the Wheel Chart designs makes your customer retain the message far better than a boring A4 letter or brochure would do.  It is a proven fact that the more interesting and tactile a product is then the more a person reads the information and remembers it and YOU!


For more unusual marketing ideas see the website popupmailers