Trade Show and Events Marketing with Attention-grabbing Powerful Products

Add Kudos to Trade Show and Events Marketing with a Pop up Pyramid

Increasing footfall and impressing your attendees is easy with powerful and entertaining products. Whether you need event invitations, give-aways or mini brochures you need look no further.  Pop up and interactive products capture attention, increase response and sales!


Pop up Event Invitations – Delightful and Surprising

What about a Pop up Pyramid to ensure that your trade show or event is not forgotten?  The piece arrives in a chunky customised mailer and springs out with energy when least expected. This ensures that your attendees make a note of the invitation and you gain maximum focus on your events marketing. Quite often the pop up products are shown to colleagues due to the entertaining nature and all the while it spreads your advertising profile.  The Pop up Pyramid adds kudos and prestige to your trade show and events marketing and you can even add pen holes to one face – a great tip for ensuring “keepability”.


Flicker Card – Versatile Trade Show and Events Marketing

This is a real favourite of mine; it is versatile and ideal as a mini brochure, as a give-away or as an event invitation.  Available in many sizes the inner sections flick through as you pull a tab which is very interactive and entertaining to say the least.  It will not be ignored and will be picked up again and again. The Flicker Card can easily be designed to promote a calendar of events or product ranges and services and is a fun product to design, send and receive.


Push up Pen Pals – Interactive and Useful

Promoting your trade show or events is easy with a Push Up Pen Pal. Everyone without exception needs a pen pot for their work area so by designing and sending a customised Push Up Pen Pal as an event invitation you know that you have invested wisely and will increase footfall.  This is a product that comes in many variations and you can even add a header card for extra broadcast print area. We are all aware that we collect multitudes of promotional pens at trade shows and exhibitions so why not give your customers and attendees something to put them in when they get back to work? A Push up Pen Pal will sit proudly displaying your company details and serve as a constant reminder too!

For more Events Marketing ideas see popupmailers