For Successful Direct Mail Promotions use Lumpy Mail

pop-up boxDirect Mail is still a vital component for establishing brand awareness and loyalty. For B2B mailing promotions I always think of the three key factors – Open, Read and Respond.  Flat mail can end up in the wastepaper basket in seconds whereas lumpy mail will definitely get past the “gatekeeper” and to your intended target audience. I have some unusual and innovative ideas that will work for your next advertising campaign and I share my favourites with you now.

Pop-Up Pyramid – Phenomenal Potential

The Pop-up Pyramid arrives in its’ own custom mailer called a “zippalope” and when your customer opens it, the pyramid leaps out with energy much to the delight of your customer.  This is always greeted with warmth since this is a very novel way of communicating.  It always creates a talking point and the Pop-Up Pyramid will be shown to others extending your advertising profile.  This product will be kept on a desk and not simply discarded, however another tip is to add a few holes to one face and the product becomes a pen holder.

Box Clever with a Pop-Up Box  

Another superb idea is the Pop-Up Box, the possibilities with this are endless and it has gained the reputation of being one of the best lumpy mail products for achieving excellent B2B response rates. What I particularly like about the Pop-Up Box is the fact that it can portray a replica of your product if this applies – recent successful examples have been a cereal box for a well-known food producer and a first aid box for a pharmaceutical supplier.  This product stands out in the post in its’ own custom mailer and once again instigates laughter on opening as it jumps out and surprises your customer.  Design potential is extensive and once again adding pen holes is a clever option for extending longevity of desk life!

Extend your Customer Loyalty with the Extender Card

For a fun product the Extender Card is a clever choice to make.  As your customer pulls the card from the impressive mailing sleeve and the message keeps coming it soon becomes topic of conversation making your company the focus of all in the office immediately.  Mission accomplished with lumpy mail that will definitely be opened, read and responded to. This product is ideal to promote messages of extension to a range or expansion, although with good graphic design and imagination the possibilities are endless.


For more information and demo videos please see the website pop-up mailers