Sloping sides hold the key to unique shape for direct marketing product ideas

You remember those maths lessons at school where they tried to teach you about algebra and Pythagoras’ theory, and you sat there thinking ‘but when am I ever going to use this?!’.  Well today might just be that day where you finally appreciate the potential applications of an isosceles trapezoid.

Let me quickly refresh your memory, a trapezoid or trapezium is a shape made up of 4 sides, two of which are parallel. We have taken the trouble to do the complicated math part for you, and we created 3D promotional products based on an isosceles trapezium. As a stand-alone product we have found it to be popular as a castle shape and as a waste skip. The trapezium shaped promotional product has also been printed with a company logo of matching shape.

Like most of the products in our 3-D pop up range this trapezium shaped product is well suited for use in a promotional direct mail marketing campaign. Supplied with an all-board envelope each of these products lies flat for mailing and jumps to life when opened. As with the other pop up products, the trapezium shaped promotional products all provide the element of fun and surprise which adds so much to the effectiveness of a direct marketing campaign. Adding to the overall versatility of these trapezium shaped promotional goods, they can all be converted for use as pen holders to extend their desk-top life beyond the initial promotion.

Another product within our range that makes use of the trapezoidal shape is our Six-Ball which has twelve trapezium shaped side panels.  By adding each of the twelve months of the year to every one of these twelve faces, this product can be made into a very neat desktop calendar. The castle shape also transforms successfully into a calendar when three months are printed on each of the four trapezoidal faces.