New slant on the advertising idea of “before and after” pictures

If your next advertising campaign is something based along the timeless theme of ‘before and after’ then we have a promotional advertising product which could be right up your street.  This classic theme is brought into the 21st century with our tremendously interactive advertising product, the picture dissolve, whose main feature is a changing scene. Absolutely everything is down to the smooth way in which, by the simple pull of a card, the picture at the focus of all your attention changes from one scene to another.

The most common example of our dissolving picture products is made of a single sleeve with a single window and a single pull strip. This was our original “Woven Dissolve”, so-named because that’s what it is called by well-known paper engineer, Duncan Birmingham. However, this is another one of those products that doesn’t have a well-known generic name and it is referred to as a slatted mailer, a picture dissolver, a picture reveal, a revealer, a Venetian blind and a dissolver. Despite not having a proper name the dissolver with a single picture is possibly the best example of its type because all of your customer’s attention is focussed on the main event – the changing picture. There is nothing else to distract your customer from your message! The picture dissolve promotional advertising product is absolutely tailor-made for the host of advertising themes centred on changing scenes. Take a company who is moving to new premises, a product that is re-launched under a new name, an advancement in technology, an increase in speed, an improvement in performance, an added ingredient – the suggestions are multitudinous!

However, if you are looking for a product with a bit more action them you might well be impressed by another neat marketing idea – our cover-operated dissolver which is a 4-page promotional advertising product. Open the front cover and the picture in the window changes automatically. On the other hand, you might want more than one changing picture. That is where our Double Dissolver comes into play! This popular trio of dissolving picture promotional advertising products is available in various sizes and we can make custom models, too.

Cover operated dissolve