Pop-up Christmas Tree is a great idea for a Company Christmas Card

With its connotations of being at home in a warm cheery atmosphere it is no surprise that the humble Christmas Tree is a popular choice of graphics for a company Christmas Card. However, being such a popular symbol means that it doesn’t always stand out in a crowd. If your company Christmas card is going to be a success then it needs to be noticed and in order to achieve that the card needs some added punch. To help with this we offer just two types of Christmas tree greeting – the 3-D automatic pop up and a Christmas card with a 3-D tree in the centrefold. Both products are bright and cheerful.

Our automatic pop-up Christmas tree card has an internal rubber band which provides the pop up action. It also comes with its own mailing envelope which, like the product itself, is made in a strong 500micron folding box board. Both items are custom printed to your own specifications. All of this adds up to a Christmas product that will certainly stand out above other Christmas cards and you can virtually guarantee that once your customer opens the pack and sees the Christmas tree jump out it will not be put in a pile with the ordinary 4-page efforts!

Our Christmas card with the Christmas Tree that pops up in the centrefold does not pack as much punch as our automatic pop up but it offers a more subtle way of giving your company Christmas card that little bit of “something different” to lift it above the rank and file offerings of your competitors. The pop-up mechanism can be altered to create a totally bespoke company Christmas card should you wish to consider that as an option.

Pop up christmas tree