Pocket-sized Marketing Ideas – Mobile Marketing Works!

Pocket-sized Marketing Ideas - Mobile Marketing

In current times we all travel very light with our i-pads and tablets which is why bulky brochures are a thing of the past.  Giving your customers something that they can carry with them in a pocket or a handbag is the way forward. You may wonder how you can possibly get all your marketing message across in something so small but I am chatting today about pocket-sized marketing ideas that you can pack with information.


Foldilocks Card – Unfolds again and again

The Foldilocks Card is a terrific product with panels that fold away into sturdy covers with a locking tab.  Perfect format for hosting your promotional print and one of the best pocket-sized marketing ideas I have seen. It comes n either A7 or credit-card sizes and has perforated panels which makes it ideal if you need to offer discount or loyalty coupons. Giving your customers something to carry and keep for future reference is mobile marketing at its very best.


Little Big Card – Small but Perfectly Formed

The Little Big Card is another product that is available in either A7 or credit-card sizes and is a small product with a big heart.  Enclosed in sturdy and hard-wearing covers it opens up to reveal A3 and A4 respectively double-sided print area.  It s very popular for roadshow and tradeshow ideas too since it is a mobile marketing product that can easily slip into a pocket or handbag.  Pocket-sized marketing ideas are perfect for product reference, advertising, location guides, tourism and so much more and I am sure you have your own ideas suited to the Little Big Card.


Star Quality – Many Shapes and Sizes – Pocket-sized Marketing

The Starburst Fold is one of the pocket-sized marketing ideas that can be used to advertise most anything.  It comes in many sizes from as small as credit-card upwards.  For mobile marketing the A6 format is very popular and has a starburst inner that is approx A4 when open. You can custom-shape your Starburst marketing ideas too – just call the team here for assistance and advice.

For more information, demo videos and photos see popupmailers