Olympic Standard Direct Mail ideas to Capture Attention

Winning Formula Direct Mail Ideas to Capture Attention

Olympic standard direct mail ideas will increase your audience, improve your marketing performance and gain maximum focus.  Capture attention with energetic, entertaining and unusual direct mail that is first for performance and first for audience response.




Pop up Jumpinjax – Not just one but four surprises

The Jumpinjax is a terrific product for any direct mail marketing campaign. It arrives in your customers’ mail tray and races past the boring flat mail and simply begs to be opened. As your customer releases the tray four small cubes bounce out when least expected! This is a great surprise and captures attention immediately.  The regular product has four cubes, however you may decide to have just three and you may decide to have customised size too.  Direct mail, event invitations, trade-show give-aways are just some of the marketing ideas where the Jumpinjax has been a winner!

Pop up Sideshooter – Tri-ath-lon Direct Mail

The Sideshooter interactive pop-up direct mail idea is perfect for messages about growth, addition, extension etc. As soon as your customer takes the Sideshooter out of its mailing envelope two arms shoot out simultaneously – this means that you gain maximum focus to your advertising message. We never cease to be amazed by the very wide range of advertising and marketing ideas that have been used on the sideshooter – covering promotions for pet foods; pharmaceutical supplies; a new housing development; a new magazine title – anything and everything! Capture attention with energy and innovation with these popular and hard-working direct mail ideas.

Telescopic Box – Deserves a Medal!

The Telescopic Box is a most unusual chunky direct mail piece. It is a box within a box and even gives you the opportunity to send a small sample of your products inside if this fits with your marketing plan; if not then you can send a small chocolate or sweetie! Recently a direct mail campaign for a large hotel chain reaped the benefit of issuing money-off coupons in the telescopic boxes. Vision for entertaining and unusual direct mail is a winning formula every time.


For more information and ideas see popupmailers