Market leader in featherweight notebooks chooses pop-up cubes for direct mail launch

Designing and producing one of the world’s best lightweight, full-function notebooks is one thing, getting noticed in a ‘noisy’ market is another.  This presented a considerable challenge for one of the worlds leading computer manufacturers.

 Having worked with a leading B2B marketing agency, Gilroy Corporate Communications, on a number of difficult campaigns they were ideally positioned to take up the challenge.  Gilroy’s Ray Little takes up the story, “The PC market has changed dramatically over the past few years.  As the market has become saturated it has placed more pressure on how we achieve results for our clients.  New marketing technologies have been developed to help us reach our target audience but sometimes you need something a little different.  With this in mind we knew that for this particular product and the market segment our client was approaching we needed a media vehicle which would have impact with the audience in a number of ways and get them to react to a great proposition while ensuring the message had the ability to go beyond the initial recipient.”

 Little continued “it was a tough challenge but we had an idea in mind.  We knew of one company’s products which would be able to tick all the boxes.  That company is Whitney Woods.  We spoke to their customer services department and within 24 hours a pack of samples appeared on my desk.  Making a choice was easy from that point.”

 The agency selected a pop-up cube which comes in its own compact, custom printed mailing pack which just begs to be opened.  When the addressee opens the pack – out pops a cube – announcing the product with a bang.  Gilroy added a sleek gloss laminate to the whole of the promotional piece to enhance the overall feel of quality.

 “We were very pleased with the end result,” said Little “but more importantly, so was the client and the launch mailing went very well.  We know for a fact that the pop up cubes are still sat on desks, follow up telemarketing revealed that over 63% recalled the mailing.  It has proved to be a good product for achieving impact.  Incidentally, Whitney Woods also handled the actual mailing so they can be pleased with the overall part that they played in the campaign.”

Promotional pop up cubes