Interactive and Extending Products make Effective and Unusual Marketing Ideas

Interactive and Extending Push and Pull

Interaction is the best way to get your message across every time.  Products that your customers have to handle ensure that your marketing communication is read, digested and remembered.  The extending products that have to be handled to read your full message are an excellent way to achieve the very best results.


Push up your Promotions and Pull in your Sales

The Push and Pull is an interactive and extending product where your customer has to pull a card at one side and as they do this a card ejects from the other side at the same time.  This action almost triples in size which gives you a large amount of print area and is very amusing for your customers in the process.  The Push and Pull is available in different formats too giving you lots of choice for these effective and unusual marketing ideas.  This is a marketing piece that will not just be handled once; it will be picked up again and again and shown to others which also extend your advertising profile greatly.


Sideshooter – Automatic action  

Along similar lines is the Sideshooter which also has two arms projecting from the main body simultaneously as the product is removed from the mailer.  The Sideshooters are interactive and extending products with a surprise element too.  Enforcing your message they make very effective and unusual marketing ideas and once gain give you a tremendous print area. Extending products lend themselves perfectly to messages about growth, extension, widen, broaden and long and the Sideshooter has played a major role in many successful campaigns.


Extender Card – Tripling your Chances

The Extender Card is another interactive and extending product; however this one extends at one end as your customer pulls the card it just keeps coming!  Almost three times the original size it is one of the most popular and unusual marketing ideas. For your next advertising campaign you can easily hammer home your marketing message with any of these stylish and effective extending products.


For more ideas and inspiration you can visit popupmailers

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