Innovative Events Marketing Material in The Events Emporium

To qualify for inclusion in The Events Emporium a product should have been commissioned by our customers on a regular basis for use in conjunction with events and exhibitions. It is no surprise to discover that the Cover Dissolver has qualified for The Events Emporium. This innovative and highly interactive product is popular throughout the year for many different marketing uses – including events marketing.

A Cover Dissolve is an excellent interactive event publicity product with the main attraction being its automatic action to change the main focus of attention – a picture in a window on the cover. The simple interactive involvement from your customer of opening the cover activates the picture-changing mechanism. The product provides a fun and fascinating way to display your products and you will find that the person opening the card doesn’t do it just once as they might with a leaflet – they do it over and over again. This makes the Cover Dissolve perfect as an exhibition handout, a tradeshow giveaway and perfect for product launch publicity.

The Cover Dissolve mechanism is quite clever and subtle without being “showy” and as such, it is an ideal candidate for use as an invitation to a business conference or seminar. The cover dissolve has historically proven to be a successful product when used to add an attention-grabbing quality to products placed at the “serious end” of the product spectrum. It has been popular in medical and pharmaceutical marketing, for products in the chemical industry and for marketing building and construction materials for example.

Cover Dissolver Events Marketing Product