Events management ideas – print suggestions for invites and events publicity

Whether the event you are trying to promote is a high class prestigious affair such as an end of year awards ceremony, or whether it’s a more everyday situation such as a business conference or seminar where your focus is more quantity than quality, we’re sure you’ll find something within our product range which will meet your requirements.

If your event falls in to the later category and your need is to put large numbers of bums on seats, it might be most appropriate to send out invitations that are attention-grabbing.  Our Jumpinjax pop-up is a real “in yer face” blast as is our Springbox. Both have won many accolades on our “testimonials” page as both carry a massive initial impact which is very hard to forget and even harder to put down. These products are both worthy of serious consideration if high impact is the aim of your direct mail campaign.

Pre-publicity announcements are perhaps best targeted somewhere between the two aforementioned extremes and the choice would be down to two areas in which there is lots of choice – automatic pop-ups or interactive mailers. Without knowing the exact nature of any particular event it is hard to suggest one product above another. Perhaps it might be important that the promotional material is something that will be kept for a while. In that instance it might be a good idea to choose a product that can be presented as a pen holder which will enhance the likelihood of it staying on desk tops for some months. We have several pop-up options in this category – pop up cubes, pop up balls, pop-up houses and pop up pen pots.

Alternatively, it could be that there is greater importance attached to an interactive mailer that is handled over and over again in which case a product like our Flicker Card could be deemed to have greater appeal or maybe the Push’n’pull. Both of these products are guaranteed to be handled repeatedly and also be passed around the office from desk to desk. On the other hand, our Sideshooter is a more lively product with a big impact on opening the envelope but without the short, sharp shock of the Jumpinjax and Springbox products.

Interactive mailer - Sideshooter