Effective Advertising ideas to Generate Increased Response Rates

Red Reveal Reader Cards - Effective Advertising Ideas

Well it’s here – Comic Relief Day – a time to have a bit of a laugh and generate donations for worthy causes at the same time.  Comic Relief is celebrating 25 years and we have been established for 21 years so we are not far behind them.  Following the tradition of Comic Relief when you need effective advertising ideas you need look no further than products with amusing and entertaining qualities; they raise a smile and generate increased response rates too.


Red Reveal – Intrigue and Amusement

Have you seen the Red Reveal yet? It is one of the most interactive and effective advertising ideas to grab attention and get people talking.  Your customers and prospects will enjoy the element of fun as they receive their “garbled” message which can only be read by inserting the “magic” red film. Often used as a tease; the Red Reveal can be sent out in stages – extra messages sent at intervals which keeps your company in focus and generates increased response rates. Need to see a sample? Click here and one will be on its way to you very soon.


Pop up Cubes – Effective and Efficient Advertising Ideas

However you choose to design your Pop up Cube; with a calendar, with pen holes or just as a cube you can rest assured that you will generate increased response rates. Your customised Pop up Cube will raise lots of smiles as it leaps from your promotional mailer when least expected.  Knocking spots off flat letters and flyers your Pop up Cube will capture attention – and keep it! With four sizes to choose from as well this is a great product for creating a memorable impact.


Interaction – Key to Success

It is well known that advertising ideas that require customer interaction work best which is why the Push and Pull generates increased response rates. Feedback from clients has been tremendous.  As you pull a card at one side another one ejects at the same time. This is another product that raises a smile and creates a talking point on receipt.


For more effective advertising ideas see popupmailers