Dress your bottles for success in your next promotion – visit the Bottle Boutique

Our Bottle Boutique offers a wide variety of bottle hangers, all of which offer ways of attaching additional promotional print to bottled products.  

The print quantities on bottle neck tag promotions can run into millions as drinks companies run promotions in partnership with other companies. As a result advertising budgets on projects such as these can run very high indeed and yet some of the neck tags that are seen in view on supermarket shelves can easily be overlooked.

It is rarely the fault of the nature of the promotion nor is it often the fault of the graphic design rather than the familiarity of an ordinary neck tag. All too often, they look the same as the next one because they follow a similar format but there really is no need. It is an easy enough thing for us to make 4-page bottle tags in custom shapes to match the theme of your promotion and this is something that we actively encourage. We believe that making something just a bit different makes it more noticeable and helps to make your bottle promotion into a success. There is a limit to how far you should go with the intricacy of the shape and keeping things simple is a maxim that we like to follow ourselves.

Promotional bottle hangers