Creative Bottle Hangers for Easy Drinks Advertising

Perfect for promoting brand loyalty

Q: How do you ensure that your drinks advertising campaigns are successful? A: It is easy with creative and unusual bottle hangers that attract attention – and sales! Bottle hangers come in many different shapes and sizes and all look stunning on the bottle neck, I have chosen just three to talk about here today.



Foldilocks Bottle Hangers Encourage Brand Loyalty

The Foldilocks Bottle Hanger is a superb product with lots of print area and the opportunity to issue discount coupons or reward vouchers for future purchases.  Sitting snugly around the bottle neck it attracts attention immediately and is like a mini brochure – packed with your drinks advertising.  The panels can be perforated which makes them ideal bottle hangers for printing tear-off brand loyalty coupons.  The design of these bottle hangers’ means that your drinks advertising campaign is not forgotten as soon as the bottle is empty.


Starburst Bottle Hangers – Add Pizzazz   

If you need to add a bit of fizz and pizzazz to your drinks advertising campaigns the Starburst Bottle Hangers are a top choice.  This bottle hanger is very eye-catching and the starburst fold opens up with a flourish; very interactive and novel for your customers. The Starburst Bottle Hangers feature a tear-off option which allows your customers to retain the starburst fold and show to others; this extends your drinks advertising profile wider too.  This design is suitable for liquor and soft drink promotions and has a theatrical and party feel to it.


Shapely Drinks Advertising

You may have budget restraints and prefer the standard design bottle hangers; however you can still gain maximum focus to your drinks advertising campaigns by designing your bottle hangers in a shape that reflects your product or your promotion.  Successful examples have been – a lemon, a palm tree, a bunch of grapes and a beer barrel.  Making your bottles stand out is easy with creative and unusual bottle hangers with style.


More bottle and drinks advertising products available at popupmailers