The Benefits of Chunky Marketing Promotion Ideas with Entertaining Qualities

Chunky Marketing Promotion Ideas - Get Noticed Immediately!

I received an e-mail last week thanking me for the easy ordering process, assistance from start to finish and the quality of a product. The e-mail also went on to say that they never realised how beneficial it would be to use dimensional and entertaining marketing promotion ideas and were absolutely thrilled with the response rates.  So what are the benefits?


Rising Up – Top of the Mail Tray Every Time

The first benefit of chunky marketing promotion ideas is the fact that your direct mail piece always reaches your intended target, always sitting on the top of the post pile proudly and begging to be opened. Flat mail and pamphlets simply do not create the same curiosity and intrigue. Lumpy boxes as they are often called grab maximum attention and give you extra print room too.

Pop up or Interactive Marketing - Keep it Chunky Marketing


Popping up and Taking Shape 

The pop up shapes are compressed into the chunky mailing wraps and they spring free as soon as opened. Whatever shape you choose for your pop up marketing project the effect is the same.  The focus gained as your chunky marketing promotion piece leaps free is always one hundred per cent and cannot be beaten for effect.  These entertaining qualities raise a smile every time and get your marketing message noticed.


Interactive and Playful Mailers

If pop up marketing is not for you then the interactive mailers sent out in chunky marketing packages are just as entertaining and keep your customers and prospects hand busy.  It is a proven fact that busy hands ensure that a marketing message gets across immediately and then as your target audience picks it up again and again due to novelty value you continue to impress them.


Want to know more? Want to see samples?  Order FREE samples or chat to our on-line advisors here