B2B Direct Marketing with Creative Direct Mail

Retro is a word used in the high street everywhere you look – retro clothes, retro radios, retro home furnishings, I even saw a vinyl record player for sale in a prestigious store just last week.  This proves that the tried and tested designs and methods are returned to because they work – they are simply “tweaked” to make them even better! This is exactly the reason for the return in great volume to direct mailings as opposed to e-mail marketing. An e-mail can be deleted in a second and your chance is missed!

Cutting Edge with Gem Shaped Pop-ups

This diamond shaped pop-up has the cutting edge for sending direct marketing response rates soaring.  The pop-up diamond arrives in your customers’ mail tray in their individual packaging looking smart and appealing; your customer cannot resist opening it and is amazed when the gem erupts from the packaging. They are always, without fail taken aback in surprise! The pop-up diamonds will be distributed amongst colleagues and you are topic of conversation! This is the “bling” of creative mail for B2B Direct Marketing and is “a full carat” for a Call to Action product that will not be tossed into the wastepaper basket but kept for a long time.

Pop-ups that really are King of the Castle

Another interesting and attention grabbing pop-up shape is the pop-up castle – or if you turn it round it resembles a box of chocolates shape.  Once again a fantastic product for customer reaction since it leaps from its mailer with your message, surprising your customer and ensuring it is not ignored.  Simple adaptations can transform it into a pen holder which will sit “regally” on the desk for a long time to come. Your B2B mailing a huge success!

 Prism Cards for all round B2B Direct Marketing

With a new and fresh approach to B2B direct mail the Prism Card is becoming increasingly popular with its unique design.  On arrival with your customer they simply pull the tab to erect the Prism Card. It can be used in a “tent” format or the more upright format of a “table talker”.  Whichever way you choose it has ample space for your customised printing and graphics. This product has a presence which I compare to a soldier on duty when it is in the “table talker” position on a desk!


For more first-class ideas and videos see the website pop-up mailers