Automatic promotional pop-ups can generate loads of new marketing ideas

From an advertising and marketing point of view, the beauty of an automatic rubber band pop-up product is in the actual pop up for it is the pop-up action which starts a sequence of events which ends up with the pop-up product being kept for ages – proving it to be an excellent marketing idea! Here’s the script. An attractive little package arrives on your customer’s desk one morning. Just because it is in a pack it is already leaps and bounds ahead of the mass of boring, white, standard-sized, flat envelopes that create the unwanted pile.

Saving the best until last, your customer opens all the envelopes and bins the contents, barely stopping to give most of it even a sideways glance. Then your customer opens your promotional pop-up pack. The contents automatically pop up and jump out of his grasp and suddenly your customer has to look at this one mailer – even if it is only to pick it up! Your customer is curious to see how such a big lump of a thing got into such a small pack so he studies the promotional pop-up closely. Then he starts to flatten it and then watch the pop up action – over and over and over again. You’ve cracked it – your customer is hooked and your automatic pop-up mailer has done its job!

The pop-up action in this range of automatic pop up products is created by cardboard engineering design working with rubber bands. However, rubber bands are a natural product and if they are kept at full stretch for too long they begin to lose their elasticity. It is important that your rubber band pop ups are dispatched to your customers within the first week of being made – unless you can store them popped-up rather than flat. A rubber band pop up product will pop-up for months on end if it is stored in its popped up state but not if they are stored flat with the rubber band at full stretch!

Promotional pop up pyramid