Create your Best Direct Marketing Ideas with Whitney Woods

swatchcardsThe best way to capture attention is to add an element of surprise to your direct marketing campaigns. Here at Whitney Woods we have so many ideas for innovative direct mail and I will share some with you here today.


Open up the Door for Dynamic Relationships with the Pop-up House

The Pop-up House is a super little product for capturing attention and keeping it.  Your customer will be bowled over when your customised mailer is delivered; when they open it the Pop-up House leaps free immediately and your company is in focus.  The Pop-up House has been used for Estate Agencies, Banks and House Building Companies since it lends itself perfectly to their campaigns; but it is also well-recognised with marketing agencies as a product of choice for grabbing attention and creating a talking point.  The Pop-up House is always kept on a desk, however by adding penholes to the roof you can extend your advertising potential greatly too.


Pocket Products your Customers can Carry and Keep

Swatch Cards have been around for a long time as paint and textile reference cards but did you know that they are ideal for displaying product ranges and services. They are an ideal format for your customers to carry for easy reference and if you customise the shape of the Swatch Cards you create an eye-catching design too.  Other pocket sized reference booklets include the Foldilocks, Carry ‘n’ Keep, Little Big Card and Starburst designs. All have their own personality and plenty of printing area.


Flicker Card  – Playful and Enthralling

The Flicker Card is a tremendous product for capturing attention and will be picked up again and again and will ensure that your message is remembered.  The inner cards flow through as a tab is pulled by your customer and deliver your communication in a most unusual and captivating way. This product is one of the very best direct marketing ideas with carry and keep qualities.  Recently the Flicker Card has been designed as an alternative Christmas card – a super idea!


For more marketing ideas and inspiration see whitneywoods and popupmailers