How to Improve Sales and Increase Response Rates

popupcardMake your direct mail distinctive and attention-grabbing with unusual and creative direct mail. Stand out amongst the crowd with products that will impress and amuse and increase response rates dramatically.  Captivating products will knock spots off boring letters and pamphlets every time.


Versatile Pop-up Box  

A Pop-up Box or Cuboid is a sound base for your direct mail campaign.  This is a product that arrives with your customer in a chunky customised mailer which attracts attention and intrigue; unlike flat mail which can often end up being classified as “junk” before it even reaches your intended target.  On opening the mailer the Pop-up Box launches into work and creates a talking point straight away.

With the Pop-up Box or Cuboid you can add a coin slot and send as a collection box or pen holes for a desk-top pen holder – the choice is yours.  Improve sales and increase response rates in a very entertaining and dynamic way by boxing clever!


Picture Dissolvers – Transforming Sales

Changing Pictures are always fascinating so why not use them for your direct mail products and deliver your message in a way that you know will capture attention and increase response rates? There are many sizes and options in the Picture Dissolve range and with your creative ideas you can have a customised direct mailer that will carry your marketing message in a very entertaining way indeed. Often they are used to convey communication about “changes”, “new products”, “moving” – the list of possibilities is endless.


Achieve Extra Dimension with Pop-up Cards

The Pop-up Cards range give extra dimension to your marketing campaign and with so many options in the range there is one perfect for you.  My favourite is the Pop-up Parallelogram design – this is a style that is very popular and has worked as a key feature in many high profile direct mail campaigns.  Get your creative juices flowing and choose a Pop-up Card that is both eye-catching and will increase response rates.


For more information see the website popupmailers